- Title: 2019/2/7 20:18:03
- Hi team at Woknrollindy How are you? Do you offer article placements on your site: woknrollindy.com - We would get the article written which will fit the nature/topic of your site. - In the article there is a good chance there will be a link going to a gaming/betting review site, which will be very well integrated. - Payment is made via Paypal. What are your rates for such a placement? Thank you Lisa - Media Manager Webcontentzone.com
- Title: 2019/2/22 4:45:48
- c
- Title: 2019/12/16 10:40:12
- Hey, Just a quick note to say how much I enjoyed your website.I thought the 'design and messaging'was very informative. I’m writing to you because I noticed a technical issue that I wanted you to be aware of, it relates to how your search engine optimization is implemented. If you fix this issue it could have a really positive impact on performance. Do you want me to send you the issue or would you like me to jump on call so I can walk you through what I saw? Regards, Silvia Morales Digital Marketing Manager (888) 417-4867 Smarter Tactics Digital Marketing | AdWords Management | Content & Social | Influencer Marketing
- Title: 2019/1/14 16:08:58
- Ordered take out which was done on time and super delicious! Great job!
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